March 26, 2010

"Wherever You Are, It's Your Friends That Make Up Your World"

Never have truer words been said! I really couldn't wait to write this blog. Driving back from a quick mid week trip to NYC, all I could think about the whole ride home, is how completely blessed and FULL my life is, thanks to the wonderful friends that make up my world. What is even more amazing is that many, many of these friends that bring me joy, on a daily, no on an hourly basis.. I have never even actually met! Yes, it is partly due to the 'power of technology', however, I would much rather (and do) attribute it to the power of the heart.. meaning when someone cares for you, and is considerate, and kind, and consistent in their support and love for you (regardless of how you are looking,feeling,acting that day) THAT is the true 'power' that transcends ideas like needing to meet face to face, to feel someone is a true friend. I'm not feeling very 'good with words' tonight, because my own heart is speaking to loudly to let my brain have its say. And my heart is saying THANK YOU.. to all my beautiful friends. What does this blog have to do with jewelry.. not a lot, actually, but a dear friend told me that is absolutely alright! And it isn't completely unrelated. So so many of the people I thought of all day, began as 'customers' (and still are.. thank you again!) but now.. .beautifully, gracefully and oh so gratefully, we are forever 'linked' as friends!
Here are two recent pictures. Yes, these are friends I have met.. (and I hope to meet you all some day..soon!) I post them because I think it is absolutely undeniable, inconceivable, to deem me anything less than so SO happy, and so proud to call people like Caitlin and Penny my friends. .(oh, and Penny is wearing her 'linked friendship necklace.. so there's that) HAPPY WEEKEND TO ALL! May you spend some of it with friends that make you smile THIS BIG!


NB said...

I could write a book on the power of friendship. How friends become family, how real friends are in your life forever. This was a great piece of writing.

Thanks for giving a shout out to the power of friends.

Carol said...

Rachel, what a wonderful statement about friendship. I have certainly felt it since being part of the GTJ family. Thank you for being who you are!!!!