It is almost silly, or, it IS totally silly... just how excited I get when I start to think about writing this blog. I say 'start thinking' because the process begins usually around Wednesday or Thursday. I start taking notes, and snapping pictures! Little 'journal entries' in the book of me...
"Dear world and everyone in it...once again, today, you took my breath away..."
or something like that.
It started, this week, with the actualization of a piece designed by Pablo and myself at the SPECIFIC REQUEST of one our dearest and most fun, funny and supportive customers, Trish from Maine. She asked if there was "anything we could do to help the wildlife in the gulf of Mexico." I loved this instantly for two reasons, there was something we could do, and for the fact that Trish, when thinking of places/things that could be open to hearing her very pure and beautiful need to express her sorrow and desire to help in this email came into her head... All the fame and money in the world couldn't match my pride in THAT!
*Charity piece, inspired by Trish- THE SOAR AND BIRD TINY WISH!
And then the week just kept rolling on in beauty and what felt to me like a very 'raw' 'real' and "human" energy. At one in the same time, it felt as if the universe, the cosmos, GOD, whatever you believe in.. was painting the canvas of the world this week, to look like a Jackson Pollack painting!... LOTS o' stuff, energy, transition etc going down! But also, there was a lot of reflection in the air.. a 'deeper' quality to everything, only amplified by the sweltering heat (in NYC atleast!). I share this because I snapped some pictures of things befitting of this latter energy. As I remarked on our FACEBOOK PAGE*(*Become a friend of Giving Tree, we have so much FUN!), the gorgeous solemness of the world this week, reminded me of this Rumi line "Let the beauty we love be what we do, there are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."
Maybe it is something like the oil spill that makes us realize how precious and precarious things are, and also, that there really IS a dichtomy to be recognized, if not so much of a 'good' -vs- 'evil', at the very least, this disaster, and the cold, failed, response of the corporations at fault for it, is a VERY clear example of the ineffectiveness of these giant businesses going after the thing with, only 'money', only redistributed blame, only 'head'.. what is missing, is the heart. .THE HEART!*(I could go on and on)
Go to Facebook for more pictures, oh and tell me what you think this Buddhist in the picture is listening to!! (I feel a Win on Wednesday in here Courtney!! and notice how I am shameless in inventing ways to get new music recommendations!:))
Finally, and as always.. THANK YOU for taking the time to read this. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to writing it every week. Maybe it is because I know FOR SURE there is one faithful reader out there, and just the thought of her reading these silly little soliloquys, and smiling.. well, that fills me with more joy than I can even express.
To make someone you truly love, smile. Really, does it get any more simple or good or important than that?
With so much love,
Rachel- June 2010
More than one faithful reader.
I am a very big fan of givingtree jewelry and you, rachel!!
I am a very big fan of givingtree jewelry and you, rachel!!
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